Metronom espacio abierto de investigación artístico
Created and curated by Barbara Held in collaboration with guest curators Augusti Fernandez, Francisco López, Paul DeMarinis, Bert Bongers, IBA

In Real Time. Rafael Tous Collection of Conceptual Art
May 14th, 2021 to January 9th, 2022
MACBA celebrates a timeline of Metronom featuring documentation of concerts and sound art, soon to become part of the video/sound archive project recently initiated by AMEE Asociación de Music Electroacústica y Arte Sonoro de España. Special thanks to Victor Aguado!

Setmana de musica experimental 1985
Phill Niblock
Christian Marclay
Elliot Sharp
Paul Panhuysen
Ellen Fullman
Llorenç Barber
Charles K. Noyes
Oriol Graus
SPACE, Roscoe Mitchell, Tom Buckner, Gerald Oshita

Músiques Submergides,1993
Curated by Barbara Held
with the collaboration of KRTU
and participation of artists Jorge Ribalta, Marcel Pey, Pere Noguera i Jordi Benito
Músiques Submergides CD

MUSIQUES SUBMERGIDES oferirà durant cinc dies seguits, en el marc de Metronom, una visió panoràmica que donarà imatge de la varietat de possibilitats de la música d’avui i de l’ús de les noves tecnologies aplicades a la música amb la participació de músics catalans i d’arreu del món. Seguint el criteri de KRTU, la mostra de música comptarà amb la col·laboració de diversos artistes que treballaran a partir de la il·luminació del concert en una recerca al voltant de la llum i el so. Com a catàleg-document d’aquest esdeveniment, s’ha editat un CD (compact disc), que recull peces dels músics participants i els textos corresponents.

Dimarts, 2 de febrer de 1993, a les 20 h.
Miquel Jordà (Barcelona) Instal·lació sonora interactiva (saxo i espai electrònic)
Gordon Monahan (Canada)
“Speaker Swinging” (tres altaveus en moviment piano preparat)
Dimecres, 3 de febrer de 1993, a les 20 h.
David Behrman (USA) “Interspecies Smalltalk” (Duo per flauta i ordinador)
“Blue” Gene Tyranny (USA) (pianista col·laborador de Robert Ashley, Laurie Anderson, Peter Gordon, etc.)
amb Barbara Held
Col·laboració: Jorge Ribalta
Dijous, 4 de febrer de 1993, a les 20 h.
STEIM (Centre per a la recerca de la música electroacústica
Nick Collins (USA) (música trombó-propulsat) “Real electronic music” (fragments d’emissions de ràdio controlats per trombó midi)
Michel Waisvisz (Holanda) “Hands” (control de sons electronics mitjançant el moviment de les mans)
Joel Ryan (USA) (música interactiva per ordinador)
Col·laboració: Marcel Pey
Divendres, 5 de febrer de 1993, a les 20 h.
Fast Forward (R. U.) (percusió amb tambors jamaicans i objectes trobats)
Takehisa Kosugi (Japó) (violí elèctric)
Fátima Miranda (Madrid) (veu)
Col·laboració: Pere Noguera
Dissabte, 6 de febrer de 1993, a les 20 h.
Miquel Gaspà (Barcelona) (Clarinet)
Josep Manuel Berenguer (Barcelona) (compositor)
Pauline Oliveros (U.S.A.) (acordió electrònic)
Col·laboració: Jordi Benito


II Setmana Internacional de musica experimental, 1996
George Lewis
Evan Parker
“Death Praxis”
Tenko & Ikue Mori
“Fugue State (for David Tudor)”
Ron Kuivila
Miquel Jorda

Música a Metrònom, 1997
Co-Curated by Barbara Held and Augusti Fernandez
Sainkho Namtchylak, voz
Peter Kowald, contrabajo
Tom Cora and “Man with the Movie Camera”
Tom Cora, violoncel
“L’ombra dels pins”
Augusti Fernandez, piano
Carlos “Zingaro”, violin
Robert Ashley, “Perfect Lives”
Robert Ashley, voz
Carme Canela, voz
Mirianna Miracle, voz
Jordi Colomer, escenografia
“Wave Field”
Rafael Toral, live electronics
“Relative Calm”
Jon Gibson, solo saxo soprano
Installation sonora:
Lewis de Soto

1 no es 1. Acció a tres bandes
Jordi Benito
Michael Forster, Jordi Benito, Augusti Fernandez

Música a Metrònom, 1998
Co-curated by Barbara Held and Augusti Fernandez
Light and sound installation:
Maria Blondeel
Michael Vorfeld
“una sintesi acustica”
Liba’ Villavecchia
Paul Stouthamer
Joan Saura
Wade Matthews
Steve Noble
Oren Marshall
Young Farmers Claim Future “Farmer’s Almanac”
Herbert van de Sompel
Guy C. Jules van Belle
Frances-Marie Uitti, cello
‘Butch’ Morris “Conduction num. 92
Big Ensemble Taller de Musics
Chefa Alonso
Michael Babinchak
Mark Cunningham
Christiaan de Jong
Augusti Fernandez
Lito Iglesias
John Leaman
Wade Matthews
Barbara Meyer
Marc Miralta
Steve Noble
Javier Olondo
Benet Palet
Joan Saura
“Liba” Villavecchia
Additional concerts and installations:

Música desterritorialitzada 14.7.98
Yasunao Tone
Barbara Held, flauta
Carles Hac Mor, veu

“Luz del pasado”
Paloma Navares
Barbara Held

“The Messenger”
Paul de Marinis
The Messenger text
Terry Fox
Don Ritter

Música a Metrònom, 1999
Peter Kowald’s Global Village & Jin Hi Kim
Peter Kowald, contrabajo
Xu Feng Xia, ghuzeng
Gunda Gottschalck, violin y viola
Jin Hi Kim, komoungo
Floros Floridis, saxo
Okay Temiz, percussion
Savina Yannatou, voz
“The Well” & “Electric Wind” de Ron Kuivila
Barbara Held, flauta
Adolf Alcañiz, video
“Trilogie de la Mort”
Eliane Radigue
…roaring, roaring, roaring
Andrés Corchero, dansa
Augustí Fernández, piano
“Call Me”
Kaffe Matthews

Música a Metrònom, 2000
Live FMOL Trio
Sergi Jordà, sintetitzador FMOL
Pelayo F. Arrizabalaga, saxo alt, clarinet baix i scratch
Cristina Casanova, Sintetitzador FMOL
Espace donné
Hans W. Koch, electronica
Andreas Wagner, saxo
Jane Riggler, flauta
Hannes Giger, contrabaix
Koji Asano, composició
Arcana 33 1/3, captital magnetic, Sawhorse
Mark Trayle
Susie Ibarra, percussió
Assif Tsahar, saxo tenor i clarinet baix
musica absoluta 001
Francisco López

Phill Niblock

Música a Metrònom, 2001
Curated by Francisco López and Barbara Held
Music at Metrònom 2001 takes place just at the beginning of the new century, and although personally I don’t tend to attach any importance to these situations, on this occasion I feel that we are at one of those odd positions from which we contemplate the past for a few moments before launching ourselves towards an immense future that we are already relishing.
It has been a century full of sonic adventures and leaps into the abyss, in large part set in motion by the futurists, whom I have always admired, for no other reason as much as their passionate attitude. The world that they predicted and dreamed about is now here, with its electronics and its communication systems, its flying machines and its huge buildings… Nevertheless, there has been an essential change in the driving force of this transformation of the world, which would probably make a hypothetical voyage in time to visit our present a bitter one: in the collective contemplation of all our worlds, passion has been replaced by pragmatism.
Among other things, it is for this reason that the term avant garde has never seemed to me to be appropriate. I believe that the events of the century that has just finished showed us time and time again the persistence of the underground, as an eternal-changing-moving underworld that exists in the cracks of an above-ground world that only notices the most superficial aspects of this passion, and exhibits them as a trophy of history, without experiencing them. Music at Metrònom 2001 is an ephemeral – but succulent – look at some of the “cells” that give life to the present in this enormous and everlasting underground organism. Fortunately, this only represents a tiny sample of this organism. Because this is at the same time one of its virtues and one of the main characteristics of our present: uncontrolled (and uncontrollable), multifarious development. Various silent revolutions have taken place – pre and post-internet without having changed the way in which the world is dominated, although they have changed the possible ways of contemplating it or, to put it another way, the variety of possible worlds in which to live.
With Music at Metrònom 2001 we have the opportunity to immerse ourselves in one of these developments, in the form of various generations of sonic artists from all over the world who have never before presented their work live in this country: the pioneering work of Alvin Lucier, a legendary sonic explorer and exceptional “hearer” of the phenomena of our interiors and our environment, the sampledelia of almostmelodic, almostrhtymical digital chaos of Zipperspy, the world at the limits of acoustic per ception and the presence of the minuscule of March Behrens and Thomas Lehn, the archaeological, creative, sonic, noiseist work of two masters of the iconoclastic manipulation of vinyl (not DJs) Emil Beaulieu and Michael Gendreau and the brutal and enormously rich physicalisation of digital noise created by two activists of lapnoise, Zbigniew Karkowski and Shunichiro Okada.
It is a delicious avalanche of music/sound/noise from the hands and spirit of a group of exceptional creators who come from this underground. I don’t think they are the avant-garde of anything that will come later. They don’t need it. I am a “subterranean presentist” and so I appreciate their work and I immerse myself in it, enjoying the adventure NOW. This subterranean world – and I feel that the new century as well – is full of a delicious, undreamed of void. Presentists, let’s leap into this void yet again!
Francisco Lopez
català – castellano
Alvin Lucier “Small Waves”
Roland Dahinden, trombón
Hildegard Kleeb, piano
Cristina Vertiz i Emilie Langlais, Violin
Claire Bobij, viola
Sandrine Robilliard, cello
Tom Recchion y Zipper Spy
Marc Behrens y Thomas Lehn
Lowercase Experimental
Michael Gendreau y Emil Beaulieau
Hardcore Turntablism
Shunichiro Okada y Zbigniew Karkowski
Additional concerts and installations:
Josep Manuel Berenguer
Transfer – sound installation
Angel Pereira, multipercussió
Mappings núm. 2
Anne Wellmer, live electronics i video
Justin Bennett, software i cartografia
Boris Gerrets, videoclip
Bert Bongers, video-orgue
Yolanda Harris, video-orgue
Matt Davis, trompeta
Rhodri Davies, arpa
Mark Wastell, violoncel
The actor, action, and the acted upon
Matt Davis
Simeon Portway

Musica a Metronom, 2002 new music, new instruments, new paradigms
curated by Barbara Held and Bert Bongers
This year, Metrònom’s International Week of Experimental Music brings together a selection of pioneering artists and musicians who use computers to create extremely charismatic and physical live performances, with new instruments, sensors and interfaces that go beyond the traditional capacities for which the computer was originally conceived. New technologies make it possible to erase the traditional borders between disciplines, and for this reason the festival offers a mixture of musical, theatrical, dance and video creations by artists who define the new paradigms of art, interaction and live performance.
Through concerts, workshops, conferences and special projects, the festival will show the results of this research into the development of a human interface in electronic arts. The programme brings together pioneers such as Michel Waisvisz (Holland), who performs with his inven tion The Hands; Laetitia Sonami (United States) with The Lady’s Glove; the virtuoso viola-player Frances-Marie Uitti, (United States-Holland), inventor of the double bow technique and who currently performs with an electroni cally-adapted instrument, the Cello ++; and Jonathan Impett (Great Britain) with his Meta-Trumpet. The group Kreepa performs a show using electrical currents, in a collaboration between the musicians Hilari Jeffery (Great Britain/Holland), on tromboscillator, Cesar Villavicencio (Argentina/Holland), on MIDI bass recorder, and the dancer Gurukirn Khalsa (United States). Yolande Harris (Great Britain) and Bert Bongers (Holland) will present the Video-Organ, a live-performance instrument that uses audio-visual material. From Barcelona comes the per formance of a group consisting of Constanza Brznic, dancer, Héctor Ayuso, video animation, and Oriol Rossell, sound, as well as a presentation by Kònic thtr, a collective consisting of Alain Bauman and Rosa Sánchez, with a performance of electronic music and multimedia theatre.
As well as the individual and group concerts mentioned above, a new group will be created, the Metrònom Meta Orchestra, with artists from different backgrounds who will work on a new piece, to be presented on the last day of the festival.
Constanza Brznic, dansa
Héctor Ayuso, video
Oriol Rossell, só
Konic thtr
Alain Bauman
Rosa Sánchez
The Lady’s Glove
Laetitia Sonami
Hilari Jeffery (Tromboscillator)
Cesar Villavicencio, MIDI bass recorder
Gurukirn Khalsa, dansa
The Hands
Michel Waisvisz
The video organ
Bert Bongers
Yolande Harris
Frances-Marie Uitti, cello++
Jonathan Impett, meta-trumpet
Laetitia Sonami, the lady’s glove
The Metrònom Meta-Orquestra
Conjunciones & Copulativas | Wooden House, iron be, straw hat
Francesc Abad
Barbara Held, sound
Musica a Metronom, 2003
curated by Paul DeMarinis
Metrònom asked me to curate a series of live performances, with the focus on musicians and sonic artists working in conjunction with scientific researchers. I was interested in showing not just the artists who use technology, but also those who use scientific processes and research in the actual creation of their work. The artists shown here (myself included) have developed scientific research in conjunction with scientists at research centres as part of their process of creating music and art.
Paul DeMarinis, curator
Long Tube with gestural interface, How do You Get to Carnegie Hall
Brenda Hutchinson
with Alexandra Gardner, Carles Santos, Augusti Fernandez, etc.
Krystyna Bobrowski
Paul DeMarinis
Nigel Helyer
Roberto Morales
Ars Sonora RNE, 13/04/03 Krystyna Bobrowski, Brenda Hutchinson, Paul DeMarinis, Roberto Morales

Joan Fontcuberta, comissari
28.02.03 – 29.03.03
Metrònom ha volgut fer un expriment: donar a una sèrie de creadors d’àmbits molt diferents l’oportunitat de reaccionar espontàniament a la percepió d’objectes de la seva elecció a travès d’un microscopi electrònic. En un grup seleccionat per Joan Fontcuberta es troben músics, arquitectes, poetes, escultors, pintors, fotògrafs….Els participants són Barbara Held, Ivan Bercedo i Jorge Mestre, Carles Hac Mor i Ester Xargay, Isaki Lacuesta, Sylvie Bussières, Perejaume i el mateix Joan Fontcuberta.
Joan Fontcuberta, SIPACO (síndrome de Patriotisme Constitucional)
Carles Hac Mor i Ester Xargay, Sextina al microscopi
Barbara Held, The Innermost Nature of Things
Perejaume, Pa d’or
Sylvie Bussièries, Anatomia interrompuda
Jorge Mestre i Ivan Bercedo, Coreografia del petroli
Isaki Lacuesta, Exploració d’un fotograma en estat de descomposició, L’ull de Déu, Microscopías
mega kai mikron
José Manuel Berenguer

Musica a Metronom, 2005
curated by IBA
Jérome Noetinger, dispositiu electroacústic
Christophe Auger, projectors de cinema
Xavier Quérel, projectors de cinema
John Tilbury, piano
Eddie Prévost, percussió
Jorg Kallinich, diapositives per a 10 projectors
Marit Schlechte, piano, reproductors CD
KOBERCE / ZACLONY (catifes / cortines)
Ivan Palacky, micròfons de contacte, dictàfons, microenregistraments, objectes
Vera Lukasova, Imatges en moviment manipulades per image/ine software
Xavier Charles, superficies vibrants
Will Guthrie, percussió amplificada
Alfredo Costa Monteiro, Micròfons de contacte sobre tocadiscs
Jean Phillippe Gross, taula de mescles, conductors
Ferran Fagesm giradiscs acústic
Andrea Neumann, piano frame
Video Documentation
Conjunciones & Copulativas | Wooden House, iron bed, straw hat
Francesc Abad
Barbara Held, sound