Category Archives: video

Senses of Place | LOOP 2015

28 may – 6 june
Reial Cercle Artistic de Barcelona

David Baker, José Manuel Berenguer, Blake Carrington, Melissa F. Clarke, Seth Cluett, Andrew Demirjian, Tom Chant, Brian Chase, David Galbraith, Richard Garet, Lorenzo Gattorna, Sandra Gibson-Luis Recoder, Wolfgang Gil, Andy Graydon, Jim Haynes, Barbara Held, Victoria Keddie, Kenneth Kirschner, LoVid, Katherine Liberovskaya, David Linton, Daniel Neumann, Phill Niblock, Yann Novak, Ursula Scherrer, Pinkcourtesyphone (Richard Chartier-Rob Parrish), Yapci Ramos, Phillip Stearns, Pilar Subirá, Fernando Velázquez, Byron Westbrook, Florian Wittenburg.

LOOP Festival 2015

LOOP Barcelona 2015, The Real Circulo Artístico de Barcelona, Hangar, Eyebeam Sound Research Group, PHONOS (University Pompeu Fabra Barcelona) and the Museo de la Naturaleza y el Hombre de Tenerife present “Senses of Place”, a program of exhibitions and screenings of audiovisual work, installations and performance that respond to space.

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An Immanence of Nature | collective exhibition with the artists Richard Garet, Barbara Held y Yapci Ramos | 11.00h. – 21.00h | Reial Cercle ArtisticGallery Space

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In this exhibition artists make use of technology to capture and display images and sounds that re-contextualize how we perceive the world. Through close listening, focused sight and careful attention to perception, these artists have created a micro-environment that rewards active exploration and encourages thoughtful contemplation of how we understand the world around us through our senses of sight and sound.

Winter | sound installation by Richard Garet, 2008
11.00h. – 21.00h | Reial Cercle Artistic – Blue Zone.

Winter is a surround 4.0 sonic construction focused on Winter as a subject. This interpretation was made from aural material recorded during December 2007 and March 2008 within the same 16-foot perimeter location in Astoria, Queens, NY.

Dark Before Dawn | video by Blake Carrington, sound from the album “Ulysses Syndrome” by Soundwalk Collective
11.00h. – 21.00h | Reial Cercle Artistic – Hall

Reial Cercle Artístic LOOP2015

Reial Cercle Artístic LOOP2015

“Dark Before Dawn” explores the subjective choreography of sound and image, the feedback loop between the two that informs and shapes what we think we see and what we think we hear. It takes the viewer through a slowly shifting, minimal and foggy color space that follows the contours of the album “Ulysses Syndrome” by Soundwalk Collective. Commissioned by Soundwalk Collective for their album “Ulysses Syndrome”.

Acoustic Imaging the Hudson | video by Melissa F. Clarke
11.00h. – 21.00h | Reial Cercle Artistic – Hall

Reial Cercle Artístic LOOP2015

Reial Cercle Artístic LOOP2015

Acoustic Imaging the Hudson shows a subsoil and underwater topography and past glacial movement; a particular profile of deep time and space history reaches the surface through sound signals and image data sent over. The installation shows the relationship between sound and image, water and sound, and with the sediments beneath.

Color Tones | sound installation by Wolfgang Gil
11.00h. – 21.00h | Reial Cercle Artistic – Courtyard
A site-specific, generative sound installation that produces its sonic content in response to the sounds occurring in the space in which the piece is installed. Comprised of slowly shifting tones and textures diffused over a multichannel sound system, the installation invites the audience to enter into a meditative dialog with the listening space. The piece is punctuated by periodic silences, during which the piece listens to the room and produces new content.

A project of the Sound Research Group at Eyebeam, New York

The Sound Research Group is a working group to focus on the what and why of sound art through critical discussion, collaborations, presentation of works in progress, and public events. For more information:

Recollections | video by Seth Cluett
11.00h. – 21.00h | Reial Cercle Artistic – Courtyard
A single, unedited, wide-angle shot of the edge of a forest, this video contains monaural audio of the sound of a person walking from the left  to the right of the screen. The visual occlusion of the forest combined with audio whose close-mic’d detail  provides no cues for locating the position of the walker. The viewer is forced to search, knowing that there must be a connection between hearing and sight, but is forced to rely on scanning the video carefully in search for alternative clues as to location of the sound source.


Screening | program of audiovisual works. Curated by Richard Garet and Barbara Held.
11.00h – 21.00h | Reial Cercle Artistic – Sala Atlants

download hand program

A  program of audiovisual works from artists working with sound, expanded cinema and video, presenting works of David Baker-Florian Wittenburg, Blake Carrington, Melissa F. Clarke, Andrew Demirjian, David Galbraith, Lorenzo Gattorna, Sandra Gibson-Luis Recoder, Richard Garet, Andy Graydon-Kenneth Kirschner, Jim Haynes, Victoria Keddie, LoVid, Katherine Liberovskaya-Phill Niblock, David Linton, Yann Novak, Ursula Scherrer-Brian Chase, Pinkcourtesyphone, Phillip Stearns, Fernando Velazquez and Byron Westbrook.


Concert | performance by Aetherart
4 june – 21.00h. – 22.00h | Reial Cercle Artistic – Courtyard

This performance is a collective exploration of architectural acoustics, the interactive environment of Wolfgang Gil’s installation and Seth Cluett’s score system that utilizes concepts from machine listening research to enable performers to take on the role of adaptive listeners with a score. A visualization of the scored-work in tandem with the sounds of the ambient environment will drive a thin wire with mirrors placed at acoustically significant points along it. A thin strip of a video projection will be reflected throughout the courtyard, modulated chaotically by the sum of the sounds in the space. Barbara Held, Tom Chant, Pilar Subirà, Jose Manuel Berenguer, Daniel Neumann, video by Yapci Ramos.
A project of the Sound Research Group at Eyebeam, New York


Introduction to nonlinear methods of composition using MAX / MSP | workshop by Wolfgang Gil. Hangar – June 2 & 3
BTV news video:
Tret de sortida a la primera edició del Poblenou Crea! – BTVNOTÍ


This is an introduction to the use of statistics for audio processing in real time.

The focus on sound composition is based on the definition of “sections” or states of a stochastic system, and “transitions” between sections, using a series of modules that I have created in Max/MSP, a graphic tool that permits logical computation of sound using visual objects.

New York-based Venezuelan sound artist and programmer Wolfgang Gil explores the interrelationship of sound, the listener, and the space of listening. In his experimental work, it is in the listener’s willingness to engage in a personal dialog with the sound and space that the work finds its purpose. He is director of Eyebeam’s Sound Research group, and since 2012, Gil, Richard Garet y Daniel Neumann direct the portable gallery/platform for sound installation work on Contour Editions.


Non-Representational Spatial Sound | workshop by Daniel Neumann
Hangar – June 2 & 3

This workshop is part of the investigation into the architectural space as strategies for exploring sound, sound material and its modulation by space and situation. The workshop will give a historical overview on the subject with some technical background and explore aesthetics and techniques for spatialization. Listening will be practiced as a phenomenological activity: the listener immersed in inner spaces / distance and continuity / sound as intersubjective space. The loudspeaker is an instrument, a resonating exciter, and the space is the resonator, like the wooden body of a violin.

Daniel Neumann is a sound artist based in Brooklyn, professional sound engineer with master’s degree in media art from the Academy of Visual Arts in Leipzig. His main focus is the investigation of how sound interacts with space and how spaces can be shaped by sound. As curator, he directs the CT-Swam monthly series at Eyebeam, New York. He has presented work at Fridman Gallery, MoMA PS1, Pratt Institute, Eyebeam Art & Technology Center, Sculpture Center New York, Eigen & Art Gallery Leipzig, Skolska28 Prague, Lothringer13 Munich and many more.


La Pared


La Pared, 2014
Video: Yapci Ramos
Flute: Barbara Held
Media: 2 Digital Video HD
Duration: Indeterminate
pared left  3´49´´ / pared right 3´35´´
Year: 2014
Ed 3 + A/P
Video Editor: Adolf Alcañiz
Sound Mastering: Ferran Conangla
play video (composed for earphones)

Download PDF

Created for La Isla Imaginada II, Centro de Arte Juan Ismael, Fuerteventura in 2014, the island was imagined by capturing an image of one concrete point in the landscape of the island. Like the wall of volcanic rock that once separated the island of Fuerteventura into two Guanche (the ancient natives of the Canary Islands) kingdoms, “la pared”, these videos picture two sides of an imaginary line, one to the right and one to the left. The soundtrack was composed to be heard on headphones only. The sound was recorded in close proximity to a stereo microphone, with the flutist moving from one side to the other. The listener will experience the sound intimately, as it moves just behind and on either side of his or her head.





Directional pattern, Neumann microphone

La Isla Imaginada II, Centro de Arte Juan Ismael, Abr 10, 2014, Fuerteventura – LOOP#14, Barcelona
2 Monitors mounted horizontally as one piece / diptych
2 Digital Media Players Loop system
closed stereo headphones  mounted at the midpoint of the two monitors, with cable long enough to be able to see both monitors at once


Video by Francesca Llopis, sound by Barbara Held

“The time in Tokio” es un trabajo colaborativo en progreso de Francesca Llopis y Barbara Held. La Navidad pasada, Francesca Llopis realizó el primero de lo que será una serie de viajes a Japón. Trajo una gran cantidad de secuencias de video. Cuando empezó a mostrarme algunas de las grabaciones (teniendo en cuenta tanto el sonido como la imagen), comentó sobre la sorprendente impresión de silencio que tuvo, incluso en el
centro de Tokio. La música de nuestro tiempo (en la cultura de Occidente) se ha visto afectada por la influencia de la filosofía asiática, en especial el sentido del tiempo y la combinación del silencio y la intensidad de la música japonesa, con el fenómeno físico del sonido como meditación. Cuando decidimos trabajar juntas con las cintas japonesas como un punto de partida, yo estaba emocionada de volver a un tipo de juego que es parte de mi formación como flautista de musica clásica, y las raíces de mi propio ritmo musical.

Barbara Held October, 2011
Estreno – Ciclo HUM, Barcelona, 28 octubre, 2010
Barbara Held, flauta
Francesca Llopis, video
Jordi Salvadó, sonido, programación de Max y arduino

A Dream 2010-2011

Video, Yapci Ramos – Sound, Barbara Held

(please listen with headphones or good speaker system for low frequencies)

A Dream
video installation

In 2010 Yapci Ramos travelled to Angola as a guest artist-in-residence at the 2nd Trienal de Luanda. Eight years after the end of thirty years of Cival War she filmed El Gaieta and Mussamba, the national and regional boxing champions, in a fight held exclusively for her benefit. The soundtrack is a mixture of the ambient sound of the hall during the fight and a recording of 10,000 Harley Davidson motorbikes crossing through the city of Barcelona.
Hace años practiqué boxeo. La lucha cuerpo a cuerpo. La distancia fija. El movimiento. Golpe. Suelo…En 1922 Siki fue el primer campeón mundial de boxeo nacido en África. Viajé a Angola como invitada artista en residencia por la II Trienal de Luanda en 2010. Ocho años atrás Angola salía de una Guerra Civil de tres décadas. Filmé a los campeones nacional y regional de boxeo, “El Gaieta” y “Mussamba” en una pelea que se celebró en exclusiva para mí. El sonido es la mezcla del ruido ambiental del pabellón durante el encuentro y la grabación de 10.000 motocicletas Harley Davidson circulando por la ciudad de Barcelona. Yapci Ramos

Video: Yapci Ramos
Sound: Barbara Held
Media: Digital Video HD / 1 Horizontal Video Channel
Stereo sound system + Subwoofer
Duration: 2 ́18 ́ ́
Edited Loop
Year: 2010-2011

Presented at:
Centro de Arte La Regenta, 6 Nov.-10 Jan, 2014, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
CCET Centro Cultural de España en Tegucigalpa, 2014, Honduras
Sin escala. Nuevas coordenadas del arte en Canarias, DA2 de Salamanca, 2013-2014, Spain
Solyanka State Gallery, Moscow, 2011, Rusia
XII BAC Barcelona Arte Contemporáneo, Barcelona, 2011, Spain

Sponsored by:
Spanish Government Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Canary Island Goverment
Trienal Luanda

Project selected Dual Year Russia-Spain 2011

El pianista i la flautista: ació musical per a televisió, Joan Brossa

Performed by Carles Santos and Barbara Held, 1987, circuit català de televisió


Interior. Un pianista i una flautista interpreten una peça. El piano, a l’esquerra. (La música continuarà sense interrupció fins al pla setè.)


Imatge en negre.


Continuació del concert, però amb els papers intercanviats.


Imatge en negre.


Exterior. El pianista apuntant cap a l’esquena amb una carrabina.


Imatge en negre.


Pla general. Veiem que el tirador apunta a la noia, dreta al seu davant i sense res a les mans. (Cessa la música.)


Repetició del pla cinquè, però al moment de disparar. (Tret.)


La cara de la flautista, rient, amb la bala entre les dents.


Aquest film, interpretat per Carles Santos i Bàrbara Held, va ser emès l’any 1978 pel circuit català de televisió, dins del programa «Escenari».


Flames cantaires (1995)

El Festival de Musica del Segle XX, 1995
Mercat de les Flors
Barbara Held, flute
77Hrz Benton Bainbridge and Nancy Meli Walker, live video

A video documenting the recreation of a 19th century lab experiment, the “Philosopher’s Organ” or “Singing Flames”, for a performance at Mercat de les Flors, Festival de Musica del Segle XX, with live video by 77Hrz (Benton C Bainbridge and Nancy Meli Walker). The apparatus was on loan from the Laboratori de física experimental Mentora Alsina. Video by Adolf Alcañiz


Singing Flames, University of Barcelona

Singing Flames, University of Barcelona


Tyndall 1