Flute: Barbara Held
Media: 2 Digital Video HD
Duration: Indeterminate
pared left 3´49´´ / pared right 3´35´´
Year: 2014
Ed 3 + A/P
Sound Mastering: Ferran Conangla
Created for La Isla Imaginada II, Centro de Arte Juan Ismael, Fuerteventura in 2014, the island was imagined by capturing an image of one concrete point in the landscape of the island. Like the wall of volcanic rock that once separated the island of Fuerteventura into two Guanche (the ancient natives of the Canary Islands) kingdoms, “la pared”, these videos picture two sides of an imaginary line, one to the right and one to the left. The soundtrack was composed to be heard on headphones only. The sound was recorded in close proximity to a stereo microphone, with the flutist moving from one side to the other. The listener will experience the sound intimately, as it moves just behind and on either side of his or her head.
Directional pattern, Neumann microphone